General Cache Information
APC Version | 3.1.14 |
PHP Version | 5.3.28 |
APC Host | (WIN-K9PG6ML8FGT) ( |
Server Software | Apache/2.4.10 (Win32) PHP/5.3.28 |
Shared Memory | 1 Segment(s) with 64.0 MBytes
(IPC shared memory, Windows Slim RWLOCK (kernel) locking) |
Start Time | 2022/01/25 08:13:15 |
Uptime | 9 minutes |
File Upload Support | 1 |
File Cache Information
Cached Files | 2 (448.5 KBytes) |
Hits | 309 |
Misses | 2 |
Request Rate (hits, misses) | 0.52 cache requests/second |
Hit Rate | 0.52 cache requests/second |
Miss Rate | 0.00 cache requests/second |
Insert Rate | 0.00 cache requests/second |
Cache full count | 0 |
User Cache Information
Cached Variables | 0 ( 0.0 Bytes) |
Hits | 0 |
Misses | 0 |
Request Rate (hits, misses) | 0.00 cache requests/second |
Hit Rate | 0.00 cache requests/second |
Miss Rate | 0.00 cache requests/second |
Insert Rate | 0.00 cache requests/second |
Cache full count | 0 |
Runtime Settings
apc.cache_by_default | 1 |
apc.canonicalize | 1 |
apc.coredump_unmap | 0 |
apc.enable_cli | 0 |
apc.enabled | 1 |
apc.file_md5 | 0 |
apc.file_update_protection | 2 |
apc.filters | |
apc.gc_ttl | 3600 |
apc.include_once_override | 0 |
apc.lazy_classes | 0 |
apc.lazy_functions | 0 |
apc.max_file_size | 10M |
apc.num_files_hint | 1000 |
apc.preload_path | |
apc.report_autofilter | 0 |
apc.rfc1867 | 0 |
apc.rfc1867_freq | 0 |
apc.rfc1867_name | APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS |
apc.rfc1867_prefix | upload_ |
apc.rfc1867_ttl | 3600 |
apc.serializer | default |
apc.shm_segments | 1 |
apc.shm_size | 64M |
apc.slam_defense | 1 |
apc.stat | 1 |
apc.stat_ctime | 0 |
apc.ttl | 0 |
apc.use_request_time | 1 |
apc.user_entries_hint | 4096 |
apc.user_ttl | 0 |
apc.write_lock | 1 |
Host Status Diagrams
Memory Usage | Hits & Misses |
Free: 63.5 MBytes (99.3%) | Hits: 309 (99.4%) |
Used: 469.5 KBytes (0.7%) | Misses: 2 (0.6%) |
Detailed Memory Usage and Fragmentation
Fragmentation: 0% |